There is real need across our global family in these incredibly difficult times. Almost all our projects are on ‘Lock down’ – our leaders are mainly church leaders whose income is based on tithes which have all stopped. Food is short, in some areas there is already social unrest.
We desperately need your help for water, cleaning materials, food and funds to help support our teams and to equip them to reach out to others in their community too.
Thanks to our donors, so far we have managed to get additional Coronavirus Emergency Fund support to all our projects in 10 countries.
We've been able to:
Feed or provide additional financial support to all our sponsored children
Start to get our schools 'Covid-secure' with temperature guns, washing stations and fencing to secure the school perimeter.
Cover our Pastors salaries as their churches are closed
Provide emergency equipment where needed
From before the lockdown in the UK we've been briefing all our projects around the world on how to protect their families and those in their care.