Throughout the challenge of the pandemic we give thanks to all who have faithfully prayed and financially supported our beneficiaries across the WIN Global Family.
In addition to the lockdown measures we shared in the UK, all of our Global Family were or still are locked down in some way, often with heavy penalties if caught away from home. Without local markets and with travel limited, journeys in search of basic food supplies are still sometimes impossible.
Our Appeal in 2020 enabled us to send three additional large gifts during the lockdown to reach all our sponsored children and their families with emergency food parcels, fuel for cooking and cleaning materials which literally rescued thousands from starvation.
During lockdown we have also been mightily blessed with a new database, website, and a new ‘digital’ office infrastructure. These new systems have enabled the Sponsorship Team to continue serving both sponsors and beneficiaries without interruption, and wonderfully our family of sponsors has continued to grow in number, supporting more vulnerable children and their families around the world.
If you know anyone who you think would like to sponsor a child, then please tell them about us and send them to our website. Details of children awaiting sponsorship can be found on our Child Sponsorship page.
Whilst we have been unable to travel to meet our Global Family in person, “face to face” electronic conversations with our brothers and sisters have enabled us to continue fellowship and understand the challenges each one of them face in these difficult times.
We welcome new volunteers around the country who are delivering Child Sponsorship leaflets in their local neighbourhood to spread the news of how to enable a child to access an education. If you can spare an hour or two a month to help others to sponsor children, or would like to learn about the many opportunities to volunteer for World in Need then please visit our Volunteering page.
Our newly released ‘Strategic Sponsorship’ is a powerful way to support a church, school, or orphanage in the WIN Global Family. An investment of £2 -£3 per day for a Global Family leader, a schoolteacher, nurse, doctor, church leader or support staff member in an orphanage blesses and encourages not only the individual but also equips their ministry to extend to often hundreds in their sphere of influence. Without sponsorship these leaders would struggle for food and living expenses as they live out their calling of serving others through World in Need.
Finally as we near the end of 2021 we have reshaped and broadened our team to a new ‘Sponsorships Team’ (previously child sponsorship) and welcome Nick Cheesman as the new Sponsorship Manager who will work alongside Anne and the rest of the team to serve our Sponsors and Beneficiaries moving forward.
Thank you on behalf of all the team and all those who you sponsor.