School Desks & Chairs

Our school in Kenya needs desks & chairs

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£430 of £1,500 raised
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Donation Total: £40

Currently many of the older pupils are either using the benches designed for younger children or there is no desk at all.

The new desks will provide more space to study and allow the older pupils to store their work safely in the locker section of the desk.

Make a difference to the children at our school in Kenya

What and where is the need?

Our school in Soy in western Kenya has over 400 pupils. The older pupils do not all have age appropriate desks. Many of the desks are too small and cramp. They are also lacking chairs for the pupils to sit on to study. We are wanting to raise funds for 40 desks and chairs.

Why is this a pressing need now?

In Kenya the old benches are too small and have no storage for the older pupils.

Why are WIN best placed to tackle this need?

WIN has supported Nancy George Academy since the start and have partnered well with WIN supporters over the years. David visited recently and saw the problem firsthand.

What will be the benefits of your work?

The school will be properly equipped to provide a good environment for pupils to learn.

What is the impact if we don’t do this now?

Many of the pupils will continue to work in cramped and uncomfortable situations.

Why should people care about this?

It's important that the schools have an environment that is conducive to learning for all ages.

How do you ensure success and accountability?

Nancy George Academy has a committee which oversees the budget and procurement. It will be supervised by the school Director and visitors from WIN UK.

How much does it cost?

We need to raise £1500, which will buy about 40 desks.
Please help us provide desks & chairs
£430 of £1,500 raised
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Reclaim Gift Aid

Gift Aid It!Boost your donation by 25% at no cost to you! A Gift Aid declaration allows World In Need to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

I agree I am a UK taxpayer and I agree to World In Need claiming tax on all past, present and future donations I make to the charity. Please treat my donations as Gift Aid donations. By ticking this box I confirm that I am paying or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the amount World In Need and any other charities will reclaim for the tax year. All gift aid will be used where needed most.

We retain a maximum of 10% of your donation amount for admin costs.

Donation Total: £40

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