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Emergency fund - Children need your help now

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£45,857 of £55,000 raised
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Gift Aid It!Boost your donation by 25% at no cost to you! A Gift Aid declaration allows World In Need to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

I agree I am a UK taxpayer and I agree to World In Need claiming tax on all past, present and future donations I make to the charity. Please treat my donations as Gift Aid donations. By ticking this box I confirm that I am paying or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the amount World In Need and any other charities will reclaim for the tax year. All gift aid will be used where needed most.

We retain a maximum of 10% of your donation amount for admin costs.

Donation Total: £20

Thanks to our donors, so far we have managed to get additional Coronavirus Emergency Fund support to all our projects in 10 countries.

We've been able to:

Feed or provide additional financial support to all our sponsored children

Start to get our schools 'Covid-secure' with temperature guns, washing stations and fencing to secure the school perimeter.

Cover our Pastors salaries as their churches are closed

Provide emergency equipment where needed

From before the lockdown in the UK we've been briefing all our projects around the world on how to protect their families and those in their care.

Can you help us spread the word? - Share this appeal now:

How can you help? There's still so much more to do...

What and where is the need?

The need for coronavirus support is spread across all 10 countries that World in Need operate in. We need to continue to feed and protect the children and families in our care as well as our project teams.

Why is this a pressing need now?

Our projects have needs for basic supplies of food, water and everyday essentials. They are stuck with little food or income right now. They also need PPE equipment to stop them catching the virus.

Why are WIN best placed to tackle this need?

The leaders in our Global Family are at grass roots level and can make a fast and high impact.

What will be the benefits of your work?

Families will receive desperately needed food and other support. We are also working to re-open our schools in a 'Covid-secure' way including fencing, washing stations and temperature guns.

What is the impact if we don’t do this now?

If we don't act quickly then we risk seeing starvation, a rising spread of coronavirus and a risk to life through coronavirus and social unrest.

Why should people care about this?

We all hate to see on TV the shocking images of hungry children and families, this is a direct opportunity to make a difference. The men of the house are still unable to work safely and wages are sparse.

How do you ensure success and accountability?

We can send funds very quickly and ensure that hungry mouths are fed. Photos and coverage of the activities are available on request.

How much does it cost?

The value of the pound means we have great leverage on finances and buying food and PPE. But we have so many needs, please give what you can.
Please help communities around the world through our Coronavirus Emergency Fund
£45,857 of £55,000 raised
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Reclaim Gift Aid

Gift Aid It!Boost your donation by 25% at no cost to you! A Gift Aid declaration allows World In Need to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

I agree I am a UK taxpayer and I agree to World In Need claiming tax on all past, present and future donations I make to the charity. Please treat my donations as Gift Aid donations. By ticking this box I confirm that I am paying or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the amount World In Need and any other charities will reclaim for the tax year. All gift aid will be used where needed most.

We retain a maximum of 10% of your donation amount for admin costs.

Donation Total: £20

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