Hawenatu is an orphan, her mother died in 2023 and her father in 2021. They stay in a single room with their aunty and three siblings. Hawenatu loves to study and has been wanting to finish with flying colours.
Elizabeth is the only daughter of Fetu Kargbo; her mother sells water for a living. She has three brothers. They live in one room at Zinc Building in the slum community. The sponsorship will surely help Elizabeth in her Education.
Deborah is the daughter of Namina Kabbio, a single mother and a petty trader in the slum community at Wellington. They have no dad at home. Deborah is the youngest and wanted to go to school. She needs your sponsorship.
Bakisha is the daughter of Abubakar who is a teacher, her mother died in child birth. Bakisha has a twin sister named Remisha. They stay with their dad and grandma. Bakisha needs your support, she wanted to continue her schooling to help his father.