Christine lives with her father, a farm worker, her mother Halima, brother Jordan and sister Doreen in a rented room shared with relatives. She helps prepare the food and collects firewood each day. Sponsorship will help to pay her school expenses.
Roni is the son of Ram who is a farmer and Munika, a house keeper. He has a brother named Rono. They live in a two-roomed house.
The family have no land of their own but Roni's father seeks daily work at neighbouring farms to support his family.
Elijah lives with his parents who are farm workers, and sister Precious, in two rented rooms with other family members. Elijah helps with preparing the food and fetching water each day. Sponsorship will relieve the family of school expenses.
Joy is the son of Patras, who seeks daily work and Mowsumi who is a house keeper. Joy has two siblings, Durjoy and Aduri.
The family live in their own house with two rooms made of clay and bamboo. Your support will enable Joy to attend school.