Joy Peace lives with her father, Godfrey, mother, Harriet, her brother, Joshua and sister, Jolene at the compound in Buikwe Town. After school she looks after her younger sister. Sponsorship will ease the burden of her school expenses.
Joan is the daughter of Emmanuel Mubiru, a farm worker. She has a sister, Veronica and lives in a three roomed house on a plot of land shared by other relatives. She helps the family by fetching water, gardening and helping with the cooking.
Sharon is the daughter of farmer, John Bosco and mother, Prossy who sells firewood. She has a brother, Frank and sisters Rose and Sarah. The family share a rented house. She helps by fetching water and gardening. Sponsorship will pay her school fees.
Harry's mother is a house wife who sometimes offers housekeeping to others for extra income.
Providing daily essentials is a struggle but Harry's parents are determined to ensure an education for their child.
Sponsorship will relieve this burden.