As WIN moves into a fresh season with our new CEO - David Goodchild, WIN's Chair of Trustees - Ian Martin, explains his appointment and welcomes him into our Global Family:
"Before introducing David, the Trustees would firstly like to honour and to put on record their appreciation for the season under the CEOship of Rob Holmes. Under Rob's leadership, WIN moved forward in our Practical Mission in many significant ways, and we are grateful to God for his time with us. Rob recently felt called to move into a new season with Crossways, a local charity in Tunbridge Wells. We pray God's blessing upon Rob and Crossways.
As always though, God goes before us! No sooner had Rob informed us of his moving than David felt called to get in touch with WIN. Long story short, just a few weeks after Rob left, David started as CEO. Praise The Lord!
David is the husband to Amanda and together they have four children. Both David and Amanda were blessed to grow up in strong Christian homes and for the last 10 years David has, with Amanda's support, been Pastor of the Vine Church in Cranbrook.
David was also a registered nurse specialising in heart matters (!) and has invested over 20 years in health and social care, most recently as a Coach working with the NHS. David and Amanda have also together launched a small online business that supports families with an educational resource. Crucially, David is passionate about the gospel and about mission and joins WIN with already strong connections in international mission work. In fact, just before joining WIN, David spent time ministering in Uganda and as I write this, is currently in South Africa!
In conversations together with all the Trustees, it was abundantly clear to us all that David was now being called into WIN as our new CEO and we are thrilled the Lord has prepared and brought him to us for such a time as this. Please do pray for David as he takes up his new role."
"A big hello to you all! And a huge thanks to the trustees, UK team and our wonderful global family around the world for their very warm welcome. I echo Ian’s prayer of blessing for Rob and his family as he ventures into a new season.
As Ian has already said, I was privileged to have grown up in a home which not only had a passion for Jesus Christ, but also for world missions. I have vivid childhood memories of staring up at the rather large Overseas Missions board at church. It was a lot bigger than me, and I used to love moving around the board taking note of all the different countries where our ‘extended family’ were serving the Lord.
Even at that young age, I loved being a part of something so much bigger than me. We read in the Bible that God so loved the World, that he did something about it - he made it possible for each one of us to live free from sin and guilt, empowered by his life to live for a different Kingdom – His Kingdom, where he reigns and his culture wonderfully invades ours.
As I look around the WIN Global Family, I love it that every partner is doing something different. Some are feeding hungry families, others are clothing and educating children in poverty, and still others are sharing the good news of Jesus, discipling, and equipping churches. It’s like a body, many parts playing their part – but with one head – Jesus Christ.
And yet, our global family are not the only parts in the body. You and I also play our part in living for something so much bigger than ourselves. I want to thank you for the part that you play in this World In Need story. So many of you have faithfully and generously journeyed with us over many years - Thank you. As I now take hold of the baton to lead WIN into this next season, will you continue to run alongside our global family with your prayer and generous support? At times the world seems uncertain, and yes the needs - they are great, but we run together with confidence in the knowledge that the Holy Spirit wants to lead us and empowers us to bring real hope to a world in need."