Change brings a new school structure in the Philippines

August 20, 2024

Our Global Family rises to the challenge

Circumstances for our Global Family are always evolving, and one of the biggest challenges they have is how to respond to changes that are thrust upon them while discerning God’s lead in their ministries. For the last few years The Cypress Christian Foundation School has faced once challenge after another, always head-on and seeking to serve the children and families in their community.

In 2020, along with the rest of the world, The Cypress Christian Foundation School faced the pandemic and lock down, where all school operations were suspended but sponsorship continued. Together with World in Need and sponsors, the school was able to give food and groceries together with financial assistance to all those in its care.
In 2021, classes resumed in the school via online learning. This was set up with the provision of one laptop and two desktop computers so that the lessons could continue.

The following year, the school was confronted with the big decision of vacating the property from which it operated. Just as the problem seemed insurmountable God provided: a building that was a former school became available, and Cypress was able to continue its operation from pre-school, kindergarten and primary level teaching through grades one to six in the new location.

Throughout 2023, the school was operating smoothly with the provision of education and healthcare through the children sponsorship programme. However, in February this year the Cypress School was faced with yet another challenge as the owners of the new building changed its building registration to that of a commercial building. The Department of Education will not permit a school to be run out of a commercial building, so this would mean moving to yet another location before the start of the next school year.

The team prayed for wisdom and encouragement for such a time as this, and the Lord gave them a word – to ask the Department of the Social and Development Welfare, for Cypress School to continue its operation in the existing location while only implementing the nursery and pre-kindergarten.

This new idea has been approved, and so, with the continued child sponsorship program, the children in primary levels of kindergarten and grades one to six have been transferred to other schools in the area. Each beneficiary will receive their monthly support and their education will be monitored closely by Cypress School through regular monthly meetings.

The Cypress Christian Foundation School is now operating Pre-School Level of Early Childhood Education, catering to Nursery (3years old) and Pre-Kinder (4years old) children, and have 15 children for this school year (2024-2025)

Our Global Family in the Philippines praise God for the hope and support that has been given to the families during all these challenges. They believe the Lord Jesus Christ, and in His words that, “All things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

Bevs Lobredo believes, “This challenge will help the school focus on Early Childhood Education. These formative years (3 to 5 years old) are equally important as a foundation to mould minds for moral and spiritual development. Children will remember Jesus Christ as they grow in grace in the love of God. Our dear Lord is good to all: to the children and their families, the school, and all sponsors. We praise the LORD!”

Please pray with our team for:

• New ideas as they implement and focus on Early Childhood Education.
• Provision for learning manipulatives, indoor playgrounds, mats, and new toys for the children.
• Good health, wisdom and strength as they develop all learning modules for the Elementary/Primary Level.

Bevs expresses her graditude, saying, “To all sponsors who continuously help and support the school for the past years and forward, I praise God and thank you for your goodness, support and love for the work in the Philippines. To God be the Glory!”


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