Thanks for your support

June 17, 2021

Seven Sisters Challenge Update

Here at World in Need we'd like to say a big 'Thank You' to everyone who turned out to join us in our walk across the South Downs, and also to all our supporters who have donated and supported this event. We were blessed with a wonderful day and great weather to be able to walk the seven miles across the hills from the Seven Sisters car park and down to the gardens at Eastbourne. As our child sponsorship manager Anne Symons said, "It was a challenging walk with stunning scenery and lovely company."

However, stopping for coffee at Birling Gap along with some other breaks on the walk, gave the team a chance to relax enroute, and as WIN church partnerships manager, Mark Allwright commented, "An enjoyable team event with the bonus of having a flypast from the spitfires," gave everyone some lasting memories of the day.

A number of our walkers enlisted support from sponsors, and together with single donations we have almost raised our target of £5,000 for World in Need projects. Sonia Tolkien, WIN finance manager, spoke for all the walkers when she said, "It was a lovely stroll with beautiful scenery and good company." The bonus of being able to provide for some of the poorest in the World in Need projects is something that is close to all the participants hearts.

Looking ahead, Rob Holmes, WIN CEO, said, “It was an amazing day of all walking together to raise funds for our Global Family and was so good to chat to people along the way and get to know some more of our supporters – I’m looking forward to the next walk already!”

To see more pictures from the event and to contribute to the fund raising efforts please visit our Just Giving page here.


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