The Board of Trustees and the World in Need team are very pleased to welcome two new trustees to the World in Need global family.
Our trustees play a vital role in shaping the vision of World in Need and bring essential expertise to the organisation. We are thankful to God for bringing Allan Yip and Katie Powney into the WIN family and look forward to continuing World in Need's mission of serving the poor and bringing the Word of God to communities around the world with their contribution.
Allan Yip came to World in Need, attracted by the teams' practical approach to mission and the personal touch to those the WIN family ministers to. Committed to Christ in his early forties, Allan brings his expertise from his position as partner in an international law firm and co-chairing a racial equality programme.
Allan explains his reasons for joining WIN:
"I'd been thinking for a while about how I might serve God. I was perfectly content with the usual combination of AV and coffee duties at church but started wondering whether I should be using my professional experience as a lawyer in some way. After making a donation to WIN, Rob got in touch and I was immediately taken by two things: firstly that he gave me details of exactly how the money was being used, and secondly, with the combination of practical assistance and mission of that use. We corresponded for a bit and when it transpired that WIN were looking for a trustee with legal experience, I began to wonder if this was God showing me how he wanted to me to serve further. It took me a while (I can be slow on the uptake!) but after some discussions with Rob and Ian, and prayer on both sides, I met with the other trustees, was invited to join and accepted. I'm very grateful to God for the opportunity to do my bit for His glory."
Katie Powney is a passionate follower of Christ and strongly believes in the power of prayer and worship. Her heart is to see God's kingdom come to this world, and having worked with YWAM, as well as in nursing and chaplaincy she actively seeks to bring the love of Christ to the world around her.
Katie shares her reasons for serving as a WIN trustee:
"I am delighted to join WIN as a trustee as missions has always been very dear to my heart having worked oversees myself. I am passionate about lives being impacted by the love of Jesus through practical mission, which I know introduces them to the very heartbeat of our Heavenly Father. I am in awe of the work that is going on throughout the globe and it will be an honour to pray, support and encourage those, especially on the frontlines, and perhaps one day will have the opportunity to meet face to face."