The WIN team in Ethiopia, headed up by Meaza is assisting the local government by providing water containers for hand washing, and food for families in need in the slums around Addis Ababa. The government asked for a water container to their offices, and this has resulted in huge progress for Meaza’s ministry, as since providing the container, the government now trusts them.
Meaza finds huge encouragement in the faces of people they help. Their joy and hope gives her strength to press forward, and their mission is a powerful witness to their community. In particular, Meaza's work was blessed with a donation which enabled a lady with five children to be helped into secure housing and a business.
Meaza is planning to concentrate on helping more of the community with food and necessities, as many are in great need. She also plans to give practical help by assisting people to re-start their businesses when the time comes, and spiritual help through prayer and support.
The team are also concentrating on prayer for a vision for the future, post pandemic and need more volunteers for their mission. They would love a group of people to come forward as a prayer team.