

Transforming lives through the spirit and the word

World In Need seeks to support our Global Family members, coming alongside them as they serve the physical and spiritual needs of their communities. We call this ‘Practical Mission’. We do not have a ‘one size fits all’ approach, rather we are guided by the vision in the heart of our Global Family members on the ground. They know and understand the needs of the communities that they serve - we seek to support them as they help the poor and give their communities the opportunity to follow Jesus Christ. We currently serve poorer communities in ten different nations across Africa and Asia.

World in Need is primarily made up of disciples from many different congregations and backgrounds - united by our faith in Jesus Christ and our passion for those who do not yet know him. We are inspired by Jesus' call to be practical by feeding the hungry and helping the poor (Mat 25), and to integrate this with Jesus' call to make disciples of all nations (Mat 28).

Practical Mission

WIN's purpose combines both the practical and the missional, we call this 'Practical Mission'. There are lots of definitions or purposes that could describe Mission, here's one we embrace...

The ultimate purpose of mission is to Glorify God by proclaiming the Gospel of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit - so that people from all nations will be saved & gathered into local churches where they will:
  • be discipled and grow in maturity,
  • learn to worship and obey God,
  • live lives that display what God's love is like to their communities.

Our Global Family

Our projects aim to encompass Practical Mission in culturally relevent ways and are led by mature Christian leaders, most of whom also lead local churches. We visit in person and are in regular contact with all our Global Family who are all dedicated to serving Jesus and growing the church through Practical Mission.

Why not join in with us in one of the ways below and let's serve Jesus together..
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